The First Travfurler Ambassador Team
After receiving over 100 entries to join our first Ambassador Team, we thoroughly enjoyed hearing everyone's adventure pet stories and getting to know our community some more.
A lot of hours were spent struggling to choose the final top 10 accounts...
The good news is, we made it in the end and we think you're going to LOVE THEM!
Selected in the team back in July were five ambassador dogs/pupfluencer's and six ambassador cats/catfluencer's.
Here are the team hints, can you guess them all?
🐾 A curly haired #suppup from England
🐾 A forest loving feline from Ireland
🐾 A fluffy mountaineer from Scotland
🐾 A #vanlife kitten from New Zealand
🐾 A luxury travelling pooch from Spain
🐾 A hiking blogger cat from America
🐾 A exploring happy-camper hound from Sweden
🐾 A overlander #europup from The Netherlands
🐾 Two adventure kitties in the making from Canada
Meet our team of ambassador pets, here!