Meet Travfurler @theprairiewolf, Newton The Adventure Dog

We started adventuring with Newton when he was a puppy. Newton joined our family in December of 2019 and winter in Canada can be quite cold and snowy. Luckily, with Newton being a Samoyed and Husky cross he was made for this weather. Shortly after we got Newton COVID caused us to lockdown and we haven’t been able to travel too far from our home of Saskatoon, Sk. So what we have been able to do is really explore our home province and that has been special in its own way. We’ve now made it part of our journey to try to explore all the beautiful places close to home!
What is the perception of adventure dogs like in Canada?
The people we run into are always super friendly. Newton is a big fluffy dog and people love to stop and say hi. I feel like adventuring with dogs in Canada is pretty common and we love running into others on our adventures. Newton has quite a few friends he likes to adventure with.
Do you find many dog friendly places and activities in Canada?
Finding dog friendly activities and places is one of my favourite past times. In Saskatoon there are quite a few, but we’re pretty lucky. Most other cities in Saskatchewan don’t have as many options. Crossmount Cider, Wilson’s Greenhouse, and City Perks coffeehouse are a few of our favourites.
How does his breed play into his need for adventures?
Huskies and a need for adventure? I couldn’t think of something that goes together better. Newton being two high energy breeds need a ton of exercise and adventure to be fulfilled. Have you ever had a Husky-cross yell at you for not exercising them enough? We have, and we rarely make that mistake again.
Why are adventures with Newton better than without?
Newton gets us out of our house way more than we could have without him. He’s our excuse to adventure and explore. Not that we couldn’t do it without him, but having him there is so much fun. We’re looking forward to trying some fun winter activities with him like sledding. That is something we probably wouldn’t have wanted to try before we met him! We love that he gets us to try new things that might be a bit out of our comfort zone.
If you had one piece of advice for travelling with a dog, what would it be?
Our advice is to be safe and take lots of pictures so you have plenty of memories to look back on.
Do you have any travels or big adventures planned for this year?
This year we’re hoping to head to the Rocky Mountains and do some exploring and hiking with Newton there!