Meet the hiking and kayaking cat, our Ambassador @tailsofnoodle!

Hi everyone! Our names are Jen and Alex and we are the proud owners of Noodle. Jen is currently a veterinary student and Alex is a landscape architect. We live in Michigan, USA, but we are both from New Jersey originally. We met in high school and have been together for a little over 8 years and Noodle is our first pet together.

We adopted Noodle right before Thanksgiving in 2019, when she was four months old. Only five days into having her, we packed up and hit the road for a ten-hour car ride to visit family for the holiday. Noodle shocked us by being absolutely perfect in the car! We thought for sure it would be too much for her and considered leaving her with friends, but also thought leaving her could confuse her. So, she came along and was relaxed and slept most of the ride. Once there, she met five new adults, two kids under the age of two years, and three dogs. And once again, she surprised us by handling it so well! She explored the new house and was curious and playful, never once seemed nervous. Taking this trip so early into having her was such a blessing, as it made us realize that we were never leaving her behind on a trip ever again! She is the perfect adventure buddy!

Noodle loves to hike in style and model for the camera!
Going outside can be a bit scary the first few times because there are so many new sights and sounds that can be overwhelming to our cats. We started with just hanging out on the balcony until Noodle got used to things, then brought her outside in the yard on the harness and leash. After she was comfortable with that, we started going to local parks with few people, and have since worked our way up to bigger hikes. We also got a cat backpack, which we think is a must have for exploring! It is not only a great way to carry her when she gets tired, but also her safe spot when we run into scary things. For Noodle, that is mostly people on bicycles and big dogs. We just place her in the backpack and let her watch as they pass, so she can see everything, but is tucked away and in her safe spot. This has also been a big aid in helping Noodle overcome those fears as well.
Noodle loves to come kayaking with us!
Here's a link to the cat life jacket Noodle has been testing and loving on her kayaking adventures.
We think being an adventure cat is a fun and great way to keep your cat healthy! It is not only a physical activity to keep them in shape, but also a great mind stimulator for them as well. Because of this, we decided to start our own blog, with tips for others if they want to begin adventuring with their cats! It is called The Hiking Cat ( and we add a new blog post every Friday at 12pm EST! If you have any specific topics you would love to see a post about, we would love your input and you can message us on Instagram!
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