Is Bottled Water Safe For Dogs?
To answer a question on whether bottled water is safe for dogs requires us to first understand more about the chemicals which could be found in the water. I was about to use my 7-Up water bottle to re-hydrate our puppy during a hike and suddenly thought to myself is it safe to give a dog bottled water? Now you might think this is a strange thing to suddenly wonder, however this was at a time when my fiancé kept reminding me of the responsibility we now had as new puppy parents!
Is Bottled Water Safe For Dogs?
Bottled water is safe for dogs when in ceramic or steel containers or if the bottle recycling label displays 'PET' or 'PETE 1' as these are BPA free bottles. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical which can harm pets and has been found in plastic pet bottles.
Bottled water is safe for dogs if the bottle does not contain any BPA. This article will discuss what BPA is in detail and will establish why bottled water is not safe for a dog if BPA is a part of it's DNA.
What Does BPA Stand For?
Studies have shown BPA can be harmful to pets by causing Faecal Microbiome Alterations which can cause ill health and for this reason and many other unknowns we should ensure our pets avoid it. Lets dig a little deeper about what BPA is and how our pets can avoid it.
Travfurler 'BPA Free' Bottle - £11.99
Why Should I Use a BPA Free Dog Water Bottle?
A BPA free dog water bottle is safe for your pets, it removes the worries of them consuming unnecessary chemicals, they tend to be made of quality materials like stainless steel or marble which will last, they have better properties ensuring water remains nice and cold.
What's The Problem With Pet Water Bottles?
Some pet owners may think any bottle that's not plastic will do, or maybe even a collapsible bowl! We did a little survey across our team of ambassadors and dog and cat lovers to find out what gripes they have had when trying to keep their pets hydrated on their adventures. These are just a selection of answers we received:
- I had a pet water bottle but I got it from Pets at Home and it leaked
- Very few if any water bottles leak or do not drip I've yet to find one
- Having extra water for those pets whose owners don't have any will always come in useful
- I need the ability to have water on long trips when there's no access to any mains
- I need to keep my water cold for my puppy
- My dog spills all of the water out of the bowl so it needs to be in a bottle
The general problems included spills, warm water and leaks as the primary concerns. None of them showed concern about the materials of the products. Was this due to a lack of knowledge or were they all using BPA free bottles? Either way, we know that our dog water bottle can alleviate all of the problems experienced above with the added bonus of being BPA free.
Using a Travfurler stainless steel, BPA free bottle will mean no other bottles are ever needed for your pets.
Travfurler 'BPA Free' Bottle - £11.99
Is Pet Plastic BPA Free?
BPA is found in pet items including food containers, plastic water bottles and things that are made to be reusable. BPA is also found in children's and adults safety equipment, polycarbonate plastic sports safety equipment, bicycle helmets, goggles, food containers and commercial and Industrial Products. It is a common ingredient found in hard pet plastics. Pet plastics could include plastic bowls for food and plastic water bottles, plastic dog toys and lining found in dog canned food.
How Do I Know If My Bottled Water Is Safe For My Dog?
Here is the kicker, one of the largest studies performed on BPA found it is generally ok in trace amounts for humans but studies have shown it can be dangerous for pets. The good news is that it's generally not found in many plastic water bottles as many are made from a plastic called 'polyethylene terephthalate' otherwise known as PET or PETE with a number 1 which contains no BPA at all. That doesn't mean it is excluded from every plastic bottle and that is the problem. To identify these bottles without BPA, look for the symbol below.
To identify whether a product is BPA free, you can look at the labels which hold the recycling information. The following symbols mean the product does not use BPA:
Type 1 (PET)
Type 2 (HDPE)
Type 4 (LDPE)
Type 5 (Polypropylene)
Type 6 (Polystyrene)
But what about Type 3 (PVC) - It can contain BPA.
Type 7 (All other plastics is one to watch and where you might find polycarbonate and epoxy resins which can be BPA).
Other things to consider:
Throwing kibble into plastic containers is placing something that will be consumed into something which contains BPA, especially 'clear plastic containers'. If you were to heat this up then it could be quite the hazard to your pets health.
Where Can I Read More About Pets and BPA?
PubMed have the following study from 2017 which can provide some more detailed information - Bisphenol A (BPA) in the serum of pet dogs following short-term consumption of canned dog food and potential health consequences of exposure to BPA
What Health Conditions Can BPA Cause in Pets?
BPA can cause the following health conditions in pets:
Why Did Manufacturers Use BPA in Pet Products?
BPA is used to make polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins which are high-performing materials. For example, polycarbonate plastic is a highly shatter resistant lightweight and optically clear plastic which is resistant to heat and is good at being electrically resistant. These strong attributes make it great when used with pet products.
To understand what kind of pet products could contain BPA, have in mind those plastic ones which can be sniffed, licked, poked, inhaled and chewed and come from factories in other countries.
How Can I Ensure a Pet Product Does Not Have BPA in It?
Try to avoid plastic for your pets where possible and ensure it does not heat up in anyway as this can increase the behaviour of BPA.
Quite an astonishing fact was found by Preventivevet, when they asked the FDA if there was any regulation on toxins and overall safety of pet toys and they received the following response “the Association is not a regulatory body therefore we are not in a position to offer advice to consumers on this topic.”.
What Water Bottles Are BPA Free?
The most obvious answer is any that are not plastic. Try switching to stainless steel and ceramic items for a better peace of mind. You cannot go far wrong with a stainless steel pet water bottle and any will do. However, we do love our Travfurler bottle because it is stainless steel, BPA free, looks cool. It is easy to use for hydration without accidentally pouring it all away on the first attempt thanks to a little bit of patented technology inside. It's now only £11.99 too.

See What Our Customers Had To Say
This water bottle is so cool! I have never seen anything like this for cats and dogs before. It is a great size and fits into my backpack pocket, and it is great that I do not have to bring a collapsible bowl with me anymore. And no water is wasted or dumped if they don't drink it! Super thoughtful design and very practical!
We love our travfurler bottle, it keeps his water nice and cool and it is travel handy with its little clip, we were able to clip it on to the kayak with ease. It has a slow release so the water doesn’t simply pour out. Lightweight and a must have for all adventures. Thank you.
I really love the bottle’s slow-release system which made it easier for my cat, Archer, to drink water without wasting much water. The water bottle is also easy to take along with me on my hiking trips with Archer by clipping it to my pet backpack.
We really recommend this pet water bottle for traveling and taking your pets on adventures! It is super light and comfortable for carrying around. Ii is very intuitive and from the first moment Nut already new how to drink and really likes stopping and asking for water! Another great product by our favourite pet travel brand
In Conclusion
Happy Travfurling!