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Travel with Pets - The Pet Travel Blog

Cat Travel Guide: Adventure Cat Gear

Preparing for travels can be hard, now add a fancy feline adventure buddy into the mix and it’s a recipe for panic.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of our essential adventure cat gear. 

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Your Guide on How to Socialise a Kitten

Your Guide on How to Socialise a Kitten
Once you begin taking your cat outside to explore, you'll quickly find it's not always easy to avoid potentially scary encounters such as meeting other pet's and animals, loud noises and various busy areas such as traffic or crowds. 

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How to take pets abroad

How to take pets abroad
For the luckiest Travfurlers they get to experience an adventure to another country! 
To help with the planning and execution of this, we've put together a quick international pet travel check-list.

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Can Pets Travel During Covid 2021?

Can Pets Travel During Covid 2021?
We’ve put together this blog to highlight important pet travel checks to carry-out, advice on keeping your pet safe during the pandemic and some useful travel pet resources so you can keep the adventures with pets ongoing. So can pets travel during Covid?

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