! Closed until the 16th of May, No service until then !

How to Keep Dogs Visible! The Ruffwear Light

How to Keep Dogs Visible! The Ruffwear Light
Why choose a Ruffwear Beacon dog light? In this day and age we are already worried about our dogs safety. With the Covid-19 pandemic recently causing a surge in puppy prices, the potential for losing your dog and them being injured or stolen is more daunting now than ever before.


Why Should You Use a Waterproof Dog Collar?

Why Should You Use a Waterproof Dog Collar?
"Does anyone have any tips on how to get that pungent smell out of a dog collar. I bathe my dog regularly but his dog collar has got this awful smell. I've tried vinegar then tried baking soda but to no avail!" 
Sound familiar? 


Dog Coats With Legs - Why You Should Own One!

Why Dog Jackets with Legs are Important for Dogs Who Go Outdoors
Dog jacket with legs? Do you love dog breeds with shorter/thinner coats? If so, then it is important that you know about dog jackets with legs. These dog jackets are made to protect them from the wind, rain and mud while they go out on their daily adventures.
